Where did the time go?

Posted in Uncategorized on May 7, 2014 by octogonpc

This site is SO STALE that the mold has died off of it as well.  Since OCTOGONPC.com went away, most of my associated efforts have also waned. However, I realized that this is MY BRAND, and is easily found in GOOGLE and BING by name, so it was not all for naught.  That stated, I will re-purpose this site to coincide with my other Social Media Sites and interests.  So, “Don’t call it a comeback, I’ve been here for years!”

Microsoft Courier 2.0

Posted in Main with tags , , , on July 25, 2012 by octogonpc

Microsoft Windows 8 resurrects Microsoft Courier via One Note MX.


When Microsoft chose NOT to finalize development on the Microsoft Courier prototype, as a tech enthusiast, I felt that was a BIG MISTAKE. Courier was significantly different from any other product in the marketplace (and still is) and would have been a significant alternative to the current options. HOWEVER, after reviewing the ONE NOTE MX Demo, I realized that COURIER LIVES! Many of the features demoed by the Courier Concept (like the radial menu) are present in One Note. This is a taste of the things to come, as they are represented in the Microsoft Office Visions video. I look forward to the Future by Microsoft. By the looks of things, it’s already among us.

– Vincent Black


metropolis 2.0 Beta Test Completed!

Posted in Main, Visionary Tech on May 15, 2012 by octogonpc
metropolis 2.0

metropolis 2.0 theme for Windows Media Center 8 (works on WMC7 also) operating on an XBOX 360 Extender to a 37″ LCD TV.

Greetings all.  I am so happy to say that the beta test of metropolis 2.0 on Windows 8 CP (x64) via an XBOX 360 extender has been completed.  Based on the pictures below, provided by Firecatman , the system functionality is in tact and works well in Windows 8 Media Center.  Firecatman shares, “I have not run into any problems so far with the theme on my computer or extenders and I have been using it just about everyday.”  I want to thank him for testing the them and I can now post the final theme online, after I address his one concern, “The only problem I have had so far is the background on the home screen makes it difficult to read the text or see the icons.”

metropolis 2.0 is a GO!

Posted in Main, Visionary Tech on April 9, 2012 by octogonpc

Greetings!  It has been a while since my last post about the Windows Media Center Theme I was developing.  I’m happy to say I’m currently testing the theme in Windows 7 and Windows 8 for functionality / compatibility / stability to ensure it will not “jack-up” anyone’s current setup.  That stated, here are some screenshots of “metropolis 2.0”!

METROPOLIS Theme for Windows Media Center – by OCTOGONPC

Posted in Main, Visionary Tech on January 4, 2012 by octogonpc

Greetings all,


Main ScreenHere are some screenshots of my customized Windows Media Center Theme that I’m developing.  Currently in BETA.  I originally designed it for my Windows 7 Slate PC I developed (The OPC Quantum SC), and I liked it so much I figured I needed to expand on it.  I created most of the resources (backgrounds, buttons, startup sound, etc.) from scratch, that way to not infringe on someone else’s work.  I’d like to see what you think.  Please submit your opinions in the embedded Poll, and provide constructive feedback so I can make it better before release.  Thanks!


Posted in Main on January 4, 2012 by octogonpc

Well, I have been so busy with life that I had to make changes.  Since this is the beginning of a new year, I decided it’s time to move in a new direction.  I have always loved developing computers, but in this current market, I had more fun with the developing and less fun with the profiting.  So, I made the hardest decision to let go of my domain.  But as the old saying goes, out with the old, and in with the new.  That said, this Blog, my Twitter and my DeviantArt  sites will be my new hangouts.  I’ll spend more time developing IDEAS and worry less about money.  So HAPPY 2012 everyone!!

Hello world!

Posted in Visionary Tech on October 8, 2009 by octogonpc

Welcome to OCTOGONPC’s BlogSpace.  Well, not much for a first post, yet to say “keep your eyes here”.  This space will be dedicated to GADGETRY and VISIONARY Tech.  GADGETRY will be dedicated to the “kewlest” tech fluff from netbooks to touchscreen pad PCs.  VISIONARY will be dedicated to “dreaming up what should be next, in tech”, from concepts to hardware to UI mods for Windows OS (themes, backgrounds and functionality).  Thank you for stopping by.  Hope to keep it fresh!